جمعه , مارس 14 2025

نامه جناب آقای میکائیل اویتا به دبیر کل سازمان ملل در رابطه با سرکوب خونین اعتراضات در الاحواز

گادتب: به گزارش مرکز خبر گادتب، جناب آقای میکائیل اویتا دبیر کل اتحادیه آذربایجانیان استرالیا و رئیس بخش روابط بین الملل اتحادیه دمکراتیک ترک آذربایجان جنوبی طی نامه ای به دبیر کل سازمان ملل سرکوب خونین اعتراضات در الاحواز توسط رژیم استعمارگر و اشغالگر فارس را محکوم و خواستار پایان دادن به سرکوب اعتراضات ملل غیرفارس در ایران شد.

آقای اویتا در بخشی از نامه خود می نویسد: 70٪ از جمعیت ایران را ملتهای مختلف غیر فارس تشکیل می دهند. این ملتها شامل ترکهای آذربایجان جنوبی (40 میلیون نفر)، بلوچ، عرب، کرد، ترک قشقایی، ترک ترکمن، لر و غیره هستند. از زمانی که حاکمیت ایران به دست فارسها در یک قرن پیش افتاد، دیگر ملت های بومی از همان زمان سیاست های سیستماتیک تبعیض را متحمل شدند.

اعراب الاحواز بار دیگر اعتراض خود را با خواست آب، غذا، آزادی و استقلال آغاز کرده اند، که شورشی علیه ظلم نژادپرستانه رژیم اشغالگر فارس می باشد. این اعتراضات نمادی از مبارزات بسیاری از ملتهای غیر فارس برای آزادی ، استقلال و حقوق اساسی آنها است. رژیم ایران با شلیک به غیرنظامیان را قتل عام می کند.

متن کامل انگلیسی جناب آقای اویتا را تقدیم می نماییم:

Dear Secretary General, 

Iran is comprised of various non-Fars native nations who make up to 70% of Iran’s population.  These nations include the South Azerbaijani Turks (40 million people), Baluch, Arabs, Kurds, Qashqai Turks, Turks, Turks, Lurs and more. Since the governing powers of Iran fell into the hands of the Fars people one century ago, all other native nations of Iran have since endured systematic policies of assimilation and discrimination. The government also punishes the non-Fars regions of Iran by underfunding and mismanaging the region’s and their resources while often also denying essentials supplies such as a portion of food, water and employment to the non-Fars regions when it suits the government (often as punishment following anti-regime protests).

As the year’s pass, the unrest within Iran become more frequent and the regime’s crackdowns become harsher. In the past week, we have witnessed another round of unrest by native Iranian Arabs in Al-Ahwaz. This region sits on significant oil reserves which are exploited by the Iranian regime. Simultaneously, the native Arabs in this region are being actively deprived of clean water supplies, food rations, and suffering lack of jobs and heavy pollution, while they are systematically assimilated away from their Arab language and culture and into the government preferred Farsi language and culture.

The Al-Ahwaz Arabs have again begun protesting in demand for water, food, freedom and independence, a revolt against racist oppression of the occupying Fars regime. These protests symbolize the struggle of numerous non-Fars nations for their freedom, independence, and basic human rights. The Iranian regime (in a predictable manner) has responded to the peaceful protest by shooting at unarmed civilians resulting in massacres.

Today, the Arabs are not only fighting for their rights and freedoms, but they are also standing up for the South Azerbaijani Turks, the Baluchis, the Turkmens and other non-Fars nations of Iran for each of their independence from Iran.

The Australian Azerbaijani Association inc (AAA) supports the just cause and struggle of the Arabs for their rights, freedom and independence, as our fellow non-Fars native Iranians. We support their protest and call on world leaders and the United Nations to condemn the criminal, terrorist Fars regime for their crimes against humanity, and ask that you assist the non-Fars nations of Iran to gain freedom and independence from Iran’s criminal regime.

With Best Regards

Michael Oyta

Australian Azerbaijanis Association Inc

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